I am reaching out to my followers to see if I have, among you, a landlubber with experience in fundraising who might be interested in joining my adventure as a crew mate or 'shore crew'. No sailing experience is required.
Since this unexpectedly became a solo sail across the Atlantic in my tiny 'dinghy with a lid', I have struggled to run the project alone… prepping a boat, training, admin, and fundraising.
Potential Crew Mate
The trip will take four to six weeks from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean during winter 2023/24; this is the best time of year to make the East to West crossing via the Trade Winds.
We'll be living off rehydrated rations; it will be uncomfortable, cramped, and probably like nothing you have ever experienced. It will, however, give you a story to carry and share for the rest of your life.
The ocean crossing is unsupported. There will be nowhere to stop once we cast off; we won't be able to turn around. There are no support vessels or access to medical assistance apart from passing vessels, our MAYDAY button, and a satellite phone. We will be disconnected and isolated.
Ideally, you should:
Be an existing supporter or have a connection to one of my chosen charities: Macmillan Cancer Support, Mind, MS-UK, and St Helena Hospice (Colchester).
You should have demonstratable experience in fundraising, dealing with sponsors, and social media engagement.
Be local to Essex/Suffolk/London and/or willing to travel at your own expense for regular meetings, boat building, training, and fundraising. The project is based near Colchester, Essex.
Have you completed an endurance/adventure challenge before? No sailing skills are needed. I want to keep the ethos of the original adventure of an inexperienced crew mate, though there will be a lot of training.
Are you able to give up a lot of free time over the next 12 months, typically at least two weekends a month?
There will be a financial commitment for training, flights, insurance, food, travel etc. Further details will be provided to applicants.
Applications are open to everyone and all abilities, but please be aware that this adventure will be very physically and mentally challenging. Very little can be done to modify the boat; there is no spare onboard storage, and there will be no access to outside assistance during the crossing. As the skipper of the boat, I need to consider the crew's personal requirements when choosing a teammate for the safety of the boat and those on board (you and I).
If you are interested in joining the crew, please visit the CONTACT PAGE and get in touch and tell me a bit about yourself and how you meet the criteria above.
Shore Crew
If you are interested in helping with the fundraising and joining as a 'shore crew' only, i.e. not interested in crossing the Atlantic, I would still like to hear from you and any skills/time you might be able to assist with. Specifically: fundraising, finding sponsors, social media engagement, training, and preparing the boat.
If you are interested in joining the shore crew, please visit the CONTACT PAGE and get in touch and tell me a bit about yourself and how you might be able to help with my fundraising, sponsors, social media engagement, training, and preparing the boat.?
Thank you 'J-K' Habbershaw. The Skipper.
Sponsor the project: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sofatosailboat
Please donate to the charities (with GiftAid): https://www.collectionpot.com/pot/sofatosailboat/